David Milne

1882-1953 David Brown Milne, born near Paisley, Bruce County, Ontario. Taught at a country school near Paisley before going to New York about 1904. Studied for about six months at the Art Students League; afterwards worked at commercial art and painted 1914-1915 in and around New York with summer trips to the Hudson near Tivoli, oppisitethe Catskills. Left New York in the autumn of 1915 and settled at Boston Corner in the lower Berkshires. Returned to Canada in 1917 and joined the Army; was appointed a war artist in 1918 and made water colours of placed connected with Canadian Army activities in England amd Flanders. Returned to Boston Corner in 1919. Summer 1921 at Dart's Lake, Adirondacks. Two winters, 1921-1922 and 1922-1923 at Mount Riga near Boston Corner; summer 1923 at Big Moose, Adirondacks. Returned to Canada October 1923 and spent the winter in Ottawa with trips to Montreal. Returned to Adirondacks in 1924 and lived at Lake Placid, North Elba, and Big Moose until 1928 when he returned to Canada. Summer 1928 at Lake Timagami; winter 1928-1929 at Weston, Ontario. Lived at Palgrave, Ontario, 1929-1932, and at Six Mile Lake off the Severn River near Georgian Bay, 1932-1939. In Toronto, 1939-1940 (with short visits thereafter). Lived at Uxbridge, Ontario, 1940-1952; summers or autumns 1940-1946 in the west Haliburton district, and summers and much of the winters 1947-1952 in the east Haliburton district. Died in Toronto. (From May 1925 to June 1937 Milne did not paint water colours.)